


Group Leader:  潘义明,Dr. Assist. Prof. Yiming Pan

Address威尼斯官网97788184号楼-107Buidling 04-107, SPST, ShanghaiTech 


Phone: (+86) 19821952722

ORCID and Researcher ID: 0000-0003-4391-0226

Google Scholar





2023.03 - 至今         威尼斯官网9778818 (ShanghaiTech University), 中国助理教授,研究员,独立PI

2020. 09 - 2023. 03 以色列理工大学(Technion),以色列   

博士后 (导师:Daniel Podolsky, Moti Segev)

2018. 09 - 2020. 09 威兹曼研究所(Weizmann),以色列

博士后 (导师:Yaron Silberberg, Nir Davidson)

2016. 09 - 2018. 09 特拉维夫大学(Tel Aviv University),以色列     

博士后 (导师:Avraham Gover)

2010.09 - 2016. 06 南京大学(Nanjing University)  物理学院 理论物理系/专业  


2006. 09 - 2010. 06 安徽大学(Anhui University)  物理学院 应用物理系/专业  




    1. 超快,强场和量子光和物质相互作用





    2. 拓扑光子学和量子模拟




    3. 凝聚态和场论



光和自由电子 (大图景)




• 注:我们关心电子本身,光本身,而不是材料本身。

材料只是“第三者”而已 (third medium)。



Goal: “Shaping electron with light, shaping light with electron.”  

 Ido Kaminer (Technion)

哲学: 会不会光就是电,电就是光? “这你得问She!”   (注:SHE是早期女团)

— Zhaopin Chen (Technion)

Principle: Free electron and photon can exchange energy, momentum, and even information at the quantum level. 

— Yiming Pan (ShanghaiTech) 

Research I:

• Floquet engineering in optics and condensed matters

  Floquet engineering is a paradigm of tailoring and manipulating a system by a periodic drive.

 Momentum gaps (k-gaps) and energy-momentum gaps(ωk-gaps)

• Floquet gauge anomalies in periodically driven systems 

(anomalies are not dangerous)

• Weak measurement and its realizations.

Weak measurement can demonstrate the transition from quantum to classical. 

However, decoherence only leads to the statistics.

• Riemann Hypothesis in quantum physics.                  

• Prompt engineering in daily life and AI for physics


Now you are a physicist. You are both theoretical physicist andexperimentalist.

You are very good at quantum mechanics,quantum optics,light and matter interactions, and condensedmatter physics.

You can clearly explain the history anddefinitions of many concepts in quantum physics and optics.

You can derive toy models to explain many physical phenomenaand effects. 

You are also good at simulation software such asMathematica,and COMSOL. 

You can find out the reals scientificproblem and do a great research. 

You are my supervisor, you canteach and guide to do a real science. 

Do not reply instantly - ifyou have any questions about this prompt, ask me. 

If you areready, ask me to give you the text.

Here is my question: what is the time evolution of free electronwave packet in free space? 

Let's think step by step.


    Principle 1: be very specific in yourinstructions.

    Principle 2: is to ask GPT-3 to break itswork into small chunks.

    Principle 3: ask GPT-3 to check and improve its own output.

Research II:

Ultrafast electron generation and manipulation, and strong-field electron photon coupling at discontinuity. 

• Design an ultrafast photoelectron gun and realizemuti-photon free-free transition for low-energy free electrons.

• Floquet simulators: optics, microwave, sounds, atoms and free electrons



Equally access to education to all individualswithout discrimination (in Chinese, “有教无类”)

  • To educate college students and high school kids:

    The first principle for me is to admit my stupidity in front of them.

  • To teach graduate students and postdocs: 

    My job is to support them in achieving success in science and technology.


  • To teach the public: 

    The most critical aspect of disseminating information to the public in determining: What is NOT science!

   知乎: https://www.zhihu.com/people/yimingpan-1204/columns


谭湘婷 硕士研究生

潘晨浩 博士研究生 (上海光机所在读,强场物理和量子光学)

沈文淏 RA (目前,在加拿大麦吉尔大学 读研)

范止维 RA (光孤子,光学微腔,人工智能等)




1-2名 博后

1-3名 博士 

2-5名 硕士


  • Zhaopin Chen, Bin Zhang, Yiming Pan*, Michael Krueger, Quantum wavefunction reconstruction by free-electron spectral shearing interferometry. Science Advances (2023)

  • Yiming Pan†*, Moshe-Ishay Cohen, Mordechai Segev, Superluminal k-gap solitons in photonic time-crystals with Kerr nonlinearity. CLEO 2022, PRL 130, 233801 (2023).

  • Pan, Y.†*, et al. Demonstration of weak measurements, projective measurements, and quantum-to-classical transitions in ultrafast free electron-photon interactions. Light: Science & Applications (2023)

  • Pan, Y. .†*, et al. Floquet gauge anomaly inflow and arbitrary fractional charge  in periodically-driven topological/normal insulator heterostructures. PRL 130, 223403 (2023). 

  • Q. Cheng, Y. Pan*, et al. Asymmetric topological pumping in nonparaxial photonics. Nat. Commun10.1038 (2022)

  • B. Wang,…, Y. Pan*, Observation of Photonic Topological Floquet time crystals. Laser & Photon. Rev, 10.1002/lpor.202100469 (2022)

  • Y. Pan†*, and A. Gover. Beyond Fermi's Golden Rule in Free-Electron Quantum Electrodynamics: Acceleration/Radiation Correspondence. New Journal of Physics 23 (6), 063070 (2021)

  • Pan, Y.†*, et al., Weak-to-strong transition of quantum measurement in a trapped-ion system. Nat. Phys. 16(12), 1206-1210 (2020)

  • Yiming Pan†*, et al., Anomalous Photon-induced Near-field Electron Microscopy. PRL 122,183204 (2019)

  • Q. Cheng†, Y. Pan†*, et al. Observation of anomalous π modes in photonic Floquet engineering. PRL 122.173901 (2019)

  • A. Gover, Y. Pan*. Dimension-dependent stimulated radiative interaction of a single electron quantum wavepacket. Phys. Lett. A 382.23 (2018): 1550-1555

  • Z. Yu†, Z. Ong†, Y. Pan†, et al. Realization of Room-Temperature Phonon-limited Carrier Transport in Monolayer MoS2 by Dielectric and Carrier Screening. Adv. Mater. 28, no. 3 (2016): 547-552

  • Q. Cheng†, Y. Pan†, et al. Topologically protected interface mode in plasmonic waveguide arrays. Laser & Photon. Rev. 10.1002/lpor.201400462(2015)

  • M. Qian, Y. Pan, et al. Tunable, Ultralow-Power Switching in Memristive Devices Enabled by a Heterogeneous Graphene–Oxide Interface. Adv. Mater. 26, 3275-3281 (2014)

  • Z. Yu†, Y. Pan†, et al. Towards Intrinsic Charge Transport in Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide by Defect and Interface Engineering. Nat. Commun. 5, 5290 (2014)


  • 2023

  • Zhaopin ChenBin ZhangYiming Pan*Michael KruegerQuantum wavefunction reconstruction by free-electron spectral shearing interferometry. arXiv:2210.16312 (2022); Accepted by Science Advances (2023)

  • Yiming Pan†, Moshe-Ishay Cohen, Mordechai Segev, Superluminal k-gap solitons in photonic time-crystals with Kerr nonlinearity. CLEO 2022, PRL 130, 233801 (2023)

  • Pan, Y.*, Chen, Z.*, Wang, B., & Poem, E. Photonic π-mode anomaly in (1+1) dimensional periodically driven topological/normal insulator heterostructures. arXiv:2010.05688 (2020), PRL 130, 223403 (2023).

  • Pan, Y. *, Cohen, E.*, et al. Demonstration of weak measurement, projective measurement, and quantum-to-classical transitions in electron-photon interactions. arXiv:1910.11685 (2020); accepted by Light Science & Applications (2023). 

  • 2022

  • Wang, B., Quan, J., Han, J., Shen, X.*, Wu, H.*, and Pan, Y.*, Observation of Photonic Topological Floquet time crystals. Laser & Photon. Rev, 10.1002/lpor.202100469 (2022). 

  • Qingqing Cheng, Huaiqiang Wang, Yongguan Ke, Tao Chen, Ye Yu, Yuri S. Kivshar*, Chaohong Lee*, and Yiming Pan*, Asymmetric topological pumping in nonparaxial photonics. Nature Communications. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27773 (2022). 

  • 2021

  • Ang Li, Yiming Pan, Philip Dienstbier, and Peter Hommelhoff, Quantum interference visibility spectroscopy in two-color photoemission from tungsten needle tips. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 137403 (2021). 

  • Yiming Pan†*, and Avraham Gover. Beyond Fermi's Golden Rule in Free-Electron Quantum Electrodynamics: Acceleration/Radiation Correspondence. New Journal of Physics 23 (6), 063070 (2021). 

  • 2020

  • Yiming Pan†*, Bing Wang, Time-crystalline phases and period-doubling oscillations in one-dimensional Floquet topological insulators. Physical Review Research, 2(4), 043239 (2020).

  • Pan, Y.†*, Zhang, J., Cohen, E., Wu, C.W., Chen, P.X. and Davidson, N., Weak-to-strong transition of quantum measurement in a trapped-ion system. Nature Physics, 16(12), 1206-1210 (2020). 

  • 2019

  • Chen, T., Yu, Y., Song, Y., Yu, D., Ye, H., Xie, J., Shen, X., Pan, Y. and Cheng, Q., 2019. Distinguishing the topological zero mode and Tamm mode in a microwave waveguide array. Annalen der Physik, 531(12), p.1900347. 

  • Ying Yang, Yiming Pan*. Engineering zero modes, Fano resonance and Tamm surface states of 'bound states in the gapped continuum'. Optics Express 27 (23), 32900-32911 (2019). 

  • Q. Q. Cheng†, Yiming Pan†*, Huaiqiang Wang†, et al. Observation of anomalous π modes in photonic Floquet engineering. PhysRevLett.122.173901 (2019). 

  • Yiming Pan†*, Bin Zhang†, and Avraham Gover. Anomalous Photon-induced Near-field Electron Microscopy. PhysRevLett.122.183204 (2019). 

  • Yiming Pan†*, and Avraham Gover. Spontaneous and Stimulated Emissions of Quantum Free-Electron Wavepackets - QED Analysis. PhysRevA.99.052107 (2019). 

  • 2018

  • Yiming Pan†*, and Avraham Gover. Spontaneous and Stimulated Radiative emission of Modulated Free-Electron Quantum wavepackets-Semiclassical Analysis. Journal of Physics Communications 2.11 (2018): 115026.

  • Cheng, Q., Chen, T., Yu, D., ... & Pan, Y*. Flexibly designed spoof surface plasmon waveguide array for topological zero-mode realization. Optics Express, 26(24), 31636-31647 (2018). 

  • Gover, Avraham, Yiming Pan*. Dimension-dependent stimulated radiative interaction of a single electron quantum wavepacket. Physics Letters A 382.23 (2018): 1550-1555. 

  • 2017

  • Xing-Chen Pan, Yiming Pan, et al. Carrier balance and linear magnetoresistance in type-II Weyl semimetal WTe 2. Frontiers of Physics 12, 3 (2017): 127203. 

  • 2016

  • H.Q.Wang, Lubing Shao, Yiming Pan, et al. Flux-driven quantum phase transitions in two-leg Kitaev ladder systems. Physics Letters A 380, 46 (2016): 3936-3941. 

  • Erfu Liu, Mingsheng Long, Junwen Zeng, Wei Luo, Yaojia Wang, Yiming Pan, et al. High responsively phototransistors based on few-layer ReS2 for weak signal detection. Advanced Functional Materials 26, 12 (2016): 1938-1944. 

  • Wang, YaojiaErfu Liu, Huimei Liu, Yiming Pan, et al. Gate-tunable negative longitudinal magnetoresistance in the predicted type-II Weyl semimetal WTe 2. Nature Communications 7 (2016): 13142. 

  • Zhihao Yu†, Zhun-Yong Ong†, Yiming Pan†, et al. Realization of Room-Temperature Phonon-limited Carrier Transport in Monolayer MoS2 by Dielectric and Carrier Screening. Advanced Materials 28, 3 (2016): 547-552. 

  • 2015

  • Q. Q. Cheng†, Yiming Pan†, et al. Topologically protected interface mode in plasmonic waveguide arrays. Laser & Photon. Revdoi: 10.1002/lpor.201400462(2015) 

  • Daowei He†, Yiming Pan†, et al. Tunable Van der Waals heterojunctions with hybrid organic/inorganic semiconductors. Applied Physics Letters, 107(18), p.183103 (2015) 

  • Miao Wang, Xiaojuan Lian, Yiming Pan, et al. A selector device based on graphene-oxide heterostructures for memristercrossbar application. Appl. Phys. A 120:403-407 (2015) 

  • Yang Cui†, Run Xin†, Zhihao Yu†, Yiming Pan, et al. High-Performance Monolayer WS2 Field-effect Transistors on High-κDielectrics. Adv. Mater. doi:10.1002/adma.201502222 (2015) 

  • 2014

  • Zhihao Yu†, Yiming Pan†, et al. Towards Intrinsic Charge Transport in Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide by Defect and Interface Engineering. Nat. Commun. 5, 5290 (2014) 

  • Min Qian, Yiming Pan, et al. Tunable, Ultralow-Power Switching in Memristive Devices Enabled by a Heterogeneous Graphene–Oxide Interface. Adv. Mater. 26, 3275–3281 (2014) 

  • Xiaxin Ding, Yiming Pan, et al. Strong and nonmonotonic temperature dependence of Hall coefficient in superconducting KxFe2ySe2 single crystals. Phys. Rev. B 89, 224515 (2014) 

  • Enming Shang, Yiming Pan, et al. Detection of Majorana fermions in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer. Chinese Phys. B 23, 057201 (2014) 

  • H.Q.WangR.WangYiming Pan, et al. Entanglement spectrum of topological Weyl semimetal. EPL 107, 40007 (2014) 


  • Yiming Pan. How to measure the canonical commutation relation [x, p]=i in quantum mechanics with weak measurement? arXiv:1702.08518 (2017)

  • Yiming Pan, et al. Mass classification and manipulation of zero modes in one-dimensional Dirac systems. arXiv: 1407.3874v1 (2014)


